The following are all full members of the AHR. Please feel free to visit their websites or contact them.
Rabbi Susan Averbach (Northern California) serves the community as a public speaker and writer.
Phone: 415-699-7039
E-mail: Averbac1@aol.com
Website: http://jubusu.wordpress.com
Rabbi Binyamin Biber, MSW is the Humanist Chaplain at American University, and serves the wider community through the Humanist Chaplaincy of Greater Washington, DC.
301-563-6341 (home office) / 301-437-7745 (cell)
E-mail: biber@american.edu
Rabbi Adam Chalom, Ph.D. is the of rabbi of Kol Hadash Humanistic Congregation in north suburban Chicago, as well as the Dean for North America of the International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism.
Phone: 847-602-4500 (cell)
E-mail: rabbichalom@kolhadash.com
Website: https://hjrabbi.wordpress.com
Rabbi Greg Epstein serves as the Humanist Chaplain at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. He is the Executive Director of the Humanist Community at Harvard and its “Humanist Hub,” a center for Humanist life in Harvard Square.
Phone: 617-495-5986
E-mail: info@harvardhumanist.org
Website: http://www.harvardhumanist.org/about-us/chaplain/
Rabbi Jeffrey L. Falick is the rabbi of The Congregation for Humanistic Judaism of Metro Detroit located in Farmington Hills, Michigan.
Phone: 248-477-1410
E-mail: rabbi@chj-detroit.org
Website (congregational): http://www.chj-detroit.org
Rabbi Eva Goldfinger is a rabbi at Oraynu Congregation in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and the Director of the International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism, Canadian Division.
Phone: 416-494-7450
E-mail: evagoldfinger@rogers.com
Websites: http://www.oraynu.org
Rabbi Denise Handlarski is the rabbi of the online community Secular Synagogue
E-mail: rabbidenise@secularsynagogue.com
Website: http://www.Secularsynagogue.com
Rabbi Jay Heyman is retired from congregational life and currently living in Seattle, Washington.
Rabbi Miriam Jerris, Ph.D., is the rabbi for the Society for Humanistic Judaism, and the Associate Professor for Professional Development for the International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism.
Phone: 248-909-0079
E-mail: rabbimiriamjerris@shj.org, mjerris@iishj.org
Websites: http://www.iishj.org/images/Prof_Dev_News.pdf
Rabbi Jodi Kornfeld is the rabbi of Beth Chaverim Humanistic Jewish Community in Deerfield, Illinois.
Phone: 847-945-6512
E-mail: rabbijodi@gmail.com
Website: http://bethchaverim.net/about-beth-chaverim/our-rabbi
Rabbi Jeremy Kridel is the rabbi of Machar: The Washington Congregation for Secular Humanistic Judaism and the co-editor of Humanistic Judaism, the Society for Humanistic Judaism's magazine.
Cell Phone: 301-708-9675
Email: macharjeremy@gmail.com
Blog: http://sjewindy.wordpress.com
Rabbi Karen Levy is the rabbi of Oraynu Congregation for Humanistic Judaism in Toronto, Canada.
Phone: 905-731-7066
E-mail: klevy@rogers.com
Website: http://www.oraynu.org
Rabbi Mary Raskin is the rabbi of Cultural Synagogue serving Portland, Oregon and Southwest Washington.
Phone: 360-513-4144
E-mail: culturalsynagogue@gmail.com
Rabbi Jeffrey Schesnol is the rabbi at Or Adam Congregation for Humanistic Judaism in Phoenix, and Scottsdale, AZ; and the Associate Director of the Arizona Jewish Historical Society.
Personal Phone: 336-215-7762
Personal E-mail: jeffrey@pobox.com
Phone (congregational business): 480-865-4710
E-mail (congregational business): rabbi@oradamaz.org
Website (congregation): http://www.oradamaz.org
Phone (Historical Assoc. business): 602-241-7870
E-mail (Historical Assoc. business): JSchesnol@azjhs.org
Website (Historical Association): http://www.azjhs.org
Rabbi-Cantor Judith Seid is the leader of Tri-Valley Cultural Jews.
Phone: 925-485-1049
E-mail: judithseid@aol.com, rabbi@tri-valleyculturaljews.org
Website: http://www.Tri-Valleyculturaljews.org
Rabbi Frank A. Tamburello is affiliated with the Westchester Community for Humanistic
Judaism, White Plains, NY, and serves the greater New York and Long Island areas.
Phone: 631-987-5347 (cell); 646-964-4462 (home)
E-mail: ftamburello@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.lihumanistceremonies.com
Rabbi Tzemah Yoreh Ph.D. is the leader of the City Congregation of New York.
E-mail: rabbi.tzemah@citycongregation.org
Websites: https://citycongregation.org